XUK Rules & Expectations

Campers must follow the rules, guidance and expectations as set by XUK.

Campers can automatically be sent home:

  • If the rules in bold are broken once or
  • Other rules are continually broken.

Directors’ decisions are final.

Parents / carers will be liable for all expenses (eg: travel)

  • No cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol or drugs*.
  • No abuse of legal substances / objects.
  • No bullying, such as: physical abuse, name calling, harassment, excluding other campers and racist or offensive comments. This includes cyber bullying.
  • No violent behaviour, such as: hitting, punching, kicking and spitting.
  • Respect other peoples cultural and religious differences and opinions
  • No sexual activity
  • No taking and/or distributing inappropriate images.
  • No swearing in any language.
  • No damaging, vandalising or misusing any property.
  • No rude, disrespectful or disruptive behaviour.
  • No mobile phones or electronic devices during activities, lessons, meetings and mealtimes.
  • Campers must not maliciously trigger fire alarms.
  • Campers must not leave their house between 22:00 & 08:30 without a member of staff being present or having express permission from them.
  • Campers must not prop open fire doors.
  • Campers given medi bands must not take them off at any time.
  • Campers may not leave the camp premises by themselves.


  • Do not run inside.
  • Boys must not go into girls rooms. Girls must not go into boys rooms.
  • Campers are not allowed to enter ‘Out of Bounds’ areas on camp nor enter the woods unsupervised.
  • Nut products are discouraged.
  • Campers must not talk to strangers on or off site.
  • Campers must dress appropriately for all activities.
  • Campers must follow evacuation procedures (such as in a fire).


  • Children cannot attend with a temperature or if they're feeling unwell.
  • All relevent health needs must be declared on the Health Form beforehand.
  • All medication must be handed in to the health centre.
  • On arrival, children must be free of nits and finger nails must not be sharp.
  • Campers must be able to look after their own personal hygiene (e.g. independent showering, toilet use and teeth brushing).
  • Campers must be able to independently look after their health & medication (though most medication will be stored in the health centre)
  • Campers will be isolated from camp for 48 hours if they vomit or have diarrhea.
  • Keep toilets, baths, basins and showers clean and tidy.
  • Rooms must be clean and tidy with a clear floor.
  • All litter must be placed into a bin.
  • No chewing gum.

*Drugs include banned substances and authorised medication that must be kept in the Health Centre.

Xkeys Ltd (XUK) rules reviewed November 2023