Comments form

We value all comments from children, teens, parents/carers, staff and all others that use or have dealings with XUK Camps.

You may have suggestions on how to improve camp for the campers or indeed how to make the process of booking easier for you as the parent / carer. You may have ideas on how to improve any aspect of XUK, from the website, brochures, staffing, applications or actual camp.

We always want to improve our service and listen to all feedback.

We look forward to reading your thoughts & suggestions. Of course these will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

It is our aim to ensure that the aims and objectives for children and staff are fulfilled. In the main office, we strive to deal promptly and efficiently with all types of correspondence from clients and others whilst always promoting the cosy, friendly image we project through our camps. We will endeavour to develop and improve at every opportunity. This will be achieved by:

  • Talking to parents / carers and children
  • Email links to our website
  • Staff appraisals
  • Suggestion box for the staff
  • Comments book/sheets online and /or at the camp for parents / carers
  • End of camp questionnaires
  • Staying abreast of regulation and legislation.