XUK 2011 has begun!

XUK 2011 has begun!

Welcome everyone to the blog for XUK 2011!!We are excited to be half way through the first day and it's been a fun filled start to the week. We've had quad biking, wall climbing, low ropes, lacrosse, basketball, art and drama to name a few of the activities and are excited for what the afternoon will bring! We can hear the cookery group cooking up a storm in the Stables Kitchen now - brownies are on the menu and they smell good!!!

Everyone arrived safe and sound to camp yesterday and took part in initiative games to welcome them and get to know each other. All were in good spirits even after some long trips to camp, some came from as far away as Beijing! It's lovely to meet everyone and the sun is shining for us on day 1!! Long may it stay that way!!!