Week 2 is flying past...

Week 2 is flying past...

We can't honestly believe that it's Friday night of Week 2 and the evening activities have finished. As they say, time flies when you're having fun!

On Wednesday, we visited Norwich for some sightseeing and shopping. There was even some singing and dancing in the street by our teens!

On Thursday, some lucky campers went on the London Trip. They saw monuments, palaces, theatres and museums. We all had a delicious dinner in Pizza Express before heading on to see the Lion King at the theatre. An incredible day was had by all!

Friday at camp included activities such as archery, cookery, football, swimming and a first aid lesson from our on site nurse, Hazel. We've also been on a treasure hunt tonight with our juniors and inters - they solved clues, read riddles and followed maps all around the camp to collect special gold coins!

Tomorrow is Saturday and we've got a day of activities planned with the BBQ, talent show and disco to round off Week 2 in style!