5 minutes with Richard Bernstein!

5 minutes with the one and only Richard Bernstein!

1.What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Alpen with yoghurt and a cup of very strong coffee (with a sugar or 4)!

2.If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?

Australia - Sydney


I would love to be in warmer climates helping my friend Troy in his new café (Café Mossman - http://www.facebook.com/CafeMosman) and relaxing with Emma and my daughters

4. What singular object would you take with you to a desert island?

Definitely my phone so I can talk to my family, listen to music and even watch some TV if I am bored of hunting! (Assuming there is 3G on this island!)

5.If you could only eat one item of food for the rest of your life what would it be?


Richard Bernstein
Richard Bernstein

6. If you were an animal for the day what animal would you be and why?

A crocodile! I just love them! I have crocodile-themed everything… even slippers! I’ve also been to most (slight exaggeration!!) of the crocodile parks/zoos in Australia!

7.If you won the lottery what would you buy?

It would depend on how much I won but one of my dreams is to set up a summer camp to help disadvantaged children.

8.What was the last film you went to see?

I honestly can’t remember it was so long ago - but I am off to see Les Miserables this Sunday! I hope it’s good!!

9.What makes you happy?

My family and friends. Also musicals of course!

10.What is your favourite musical theatre show?

WOW that’s a really hard question! I’m going to have to pick 3 - Les Miserables, Miss Saigon and Avenue Q.

11. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

Rory McIlroy. I love golf and it would be amazing to be the best in the world for a day!