Our favourite summer camp games that you can play at home

We play lots of fantastic games at our day and residential camps. Games are a brilliant way to get to know each other, work as a team, have a bit of competition and most importantly, have fun!

The summer might be over six months away, but why wait until the summer to play some of our favourite games again? Round up your friends and family - let them experience some of our favourites.

scream and run activity at uk summer camp for kids and teenagers in england
scream and run activity at uk summer camp for kids and teenagers in england

One of our camp favourites (with our staff team and campers) is “Attiq’s Game”. We’re not sure what the game is actually called, but one of our English teacher from three or four years ago introduced it to us and his name is Attiq! The game is very popular and can be seen being played in various places around our camps: in the English classrooms, Common Rooms and even in our Staff Room once our happy campers have gone to bed...

How to play ‘Attiq’s Game’:

You will need:

  • Pieces of paper (big enough to write a few words or a sentence on)
  • Pens
  • A pot/box to put the paper in
  • Stopwatch/phone with a timer
  • At least six people (a minimum of three people on a team makes it more fun)

How to play:

1. All of the players are given two/three pieces of paper each (three pieces each will make the game a bit longer). On each piece of paper, players need to write a word, phrase or sentence. It can be ANYTHING, literally anything – a quote from a movie, your favourite food, something witty somebody said, a place, celebrities name, anything! Then fold each piece of paper individually and put it into the pot.

Round 1 – Describing the word, phrase or sentence

2. The first team will be given the pot with all of the pieces of paper in. One of the team members is nominated for the round and will have 60 seconds to take out one piece of paper at a time, describing it to his or hers team. If the team guess what is on the paper word for word correctly they can keep the piece of paper. If the team are unable to guess or the describer wants to pass, the paper can go back in.

3. Continue with the other teams, all having one minute each until the pot is empty.

4. Each team counts up how many pieces of paper they have. All players then fold the paper up again and put it into the pot.

Round 2 – One word

5. The team next to the one who just went will begin the round.

6. During the 60 seconds, the nominated team member must say just ONE word to prompt the rest of the team to remember what is on the piece of paper. For example if the phrase is 'XUK Camps', you might say 'summer'. You can be tough and make them put the paper back in if they ‘um’ or ‘er’.

7. Continue with the other teams, all having one minute each until the pot is empty.

8. Each team counts up how many pieces of paper they have. All players then fold the paper up again and put it into the pot.

Round 3 – Actions, no words

9. The team next to the one who just went will begin the round.

10. During the 60 seconds, the nominated team member must act out/mime what is on each piece of paper. They cannot use any words.

11. Continue with the other teams, all having one minute each until the pot is empty.

12. Each team counts up how many pieces of paper they have. All players then fold the paper up again and put it into the pot.

13. Add up the total score for each round and the team who collected the most pieces of paper during the game are the winners!

Other games we love:

  • Mafia
  • Screaming Run
  • Two truths and a lie
  • Honey, I love you
  • Zip Zap Boing

We are always on the lookout for new, fresh ideas for games! If you’ve got any ideas or play something great between now and summer camp beginning, get in touch and let us know!
