Essential XUK English Information

Rules & Rewards


It is vital that our campers are aware of our rules at XUK. These are in place to ensure that every camper is happy, healthy and most importantly safe during their stay with us. Please go through the 'XUK Way' with your children before their stay.

Championship Points

Colour Teams and individual campers will be awarded Championship Points throughout their stay for a number of reasons: politeness and manners, teamwork, being helpful, winning an Evening Activity etc. At the end of each week, the winning Colour Team for the week will be presented with certificates and prizes during the Talent Show!

Citizen of the Week Award

Each week we present the ‘XUK Citizen of the Week' award. This will be given to the best ‘Citizen’ at camp, who our leaders decide best sums up what’s good about XUK – a sense of humour, friendship, and a desire to make the most of camp. There will be a presentation each week and each winner will be offered one free week at one of our camps next year!

Star Student Award

Each week we present the ‘XUK Star Student' award. This will be given to the best ‘student’ at camp, who our leaders decide best sums up what’s good about XUK – a sense of humour, friendship, puts in 100% to their English lessons and a desire to make the most of camp. There will be a presentation each week. Winners will be offered 4 complimentary online English lessons with XUK!

Arriving, Departing & Transfers

We will expect / assume you are coming directly to XUK English unless you have specifically booked (with us) otherwise. Seats on transport runs are only guaranteed with full payment.

Airport & St Pancras (Eurostar) Service:

It is vital that we know the following information as early as possible for both inbound and outbound flights or the Eurostar:

• Airport (origin & destination)

• Flight number

• Airline

• Arrival & Departure times

If the airline asks you to provide information about who will be collecting your child, please give them the following information:

Richard Bernstein, XUK Activity, Dauntseys School, West Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4HE. Phone: +44 20 8371 9686

You must look at ‘Getting to XUK’ for information about flight and train times and the airports and station we pick up/drop off your children.

We strongly advise that your child carries with them the following documents whilst in the airport to prevent any avoidable delays:

  • Your XUK confirmation which describes what your child is booked on and the appropriate details
  • A signed and dated letter giving your permission for your child to travel unaccompanied to the UK
  • Please check your airline/train if they have any specific requirements or forms for you to fill in to enable your child to travel to and from the UK - especially if they are travelling on their own

There will be a wait at the airport or station. It is essential that you pack a snack for your child to have on their transfer.

Travelling directly to and from XUK:

• Arrival day: check-in is between 15:30 and 16:30. Please do not arrive before 15:30. To ensure that the camp is ready, we will not check in your child before that time.

• Departure day: children must be collected between 10:00 and 11:00. Please arrive on time to collect your child.

Have a read through our 'Arriving at Camp' blog.

Preparing Your Child

As your children will be away from home, it is important that they can take responsibility for their own personal hygiene. They need to be able to:
  • Brush their teeth independently
  • Shower and wash themselves independently
  • Dry themselves after a shower
  • Change their underwear everyday
  • Use deodorant or antiperspirant if age appropriate


It is vital that your child packs for their stay or assists you. Upon their return, they will need to pack their belongings back into their bags independently.

Settling In

We understand that that this may be a new, and difficult, experience and it is crucial our staff are the first point of contact for your child to make their stay as fun and easy as possible. It is important to tell them prior to camp starting that homesickness is normal and we are there to support them if they are feeling homesick.

Please help us help your child by telling them before and during camp to always talk to staff if they have any problems or concerns. If you (the parent) have any concerns, we also urge you to contact us and we can discuss anything relating to your child.

We recommend having a chat with your child about your expectations for their stay:

• The importance of trying new things whether that is a new food or activity
• Making new friends even if they are going with a friend

• Branching out from their own nationalities – making friends from around the world is very beneficial and it will encourage them to communicate in English

Contact with your children / XUK

We do allow campers to bring mobile phones and electronic devices to our camps at their own risk and responsibility. All campers must adhere to our Mobile Phone & Electronic Devices Use Policy and talk to our team first if they have a problem.

There will be limited Wifi available for campers to use during their free time. There are other ways to contact your child which we encourage...


  • XUK on camp: 01380 814 680 (during camp only)
  • Head office (09:00 – 16:30): +44 (0)20 8371 9686

These are not emergency lines and not manned 24/7

If we cannot answer, please leave a detailed message. We will call you as soon as we can. Please be aware that our camp phone is not manned all the time. Do not be alarmed if you do not get a call from your child. The probability is that you were engaged, out or your child is having too much fun! Children can only use the office phone to call home once a week during their stay. This is because:

• There is limited time during the day when children are not in activities, eating or sleeping

• We need to keep our lines free for emergencies (and we only have two phone lines)

• It is vital if children have a problem they talk to us first so we can help them

Writing emails and letters:

Delivery of the post is very exciting for those who receive letters. The address is ‘XUK English, c/o Dauntsey's School, West Lavington, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4HE. Any food sent (or brought to camp) may be checked. This is for the health and safety of all children and staff, some of whom have very specific allergies.

You can also send emails to your children to These are handed out at the next available meal time.


Daily updates and a selection of photographs from the day will be uploaded to Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram. You can view all of the photographs from each day on your Ultracamp account.


Health & Medication Form

It is essential that you complete the Health & Medication Form on your Ultracamp account.


If your child is bringing any medication to camp, it is essential you add these each individually to your Ultracamp account. We must have this information to be able to administer medication.

All medication must be brought to camp in a named sealed bag or container with action plans. Some medications (eg: Autoinjector / asthma sprays need two and they must be in date).


Please fit all luggage into one suitcase. Here is our kit list. All campers must bring all of the essential items. When your child arrives, please ensure that they have the following items ready to hand in:

• Medication in a named and sealed bag/container.

• Passports & tickets. We keep these for safekeeping.

• Insurance details (certificate)

We recommend reading through our 'Packing FAQs' blog post.


As described above under 'Health'.


Children staying for longer than one week who require laundry may pay for this service on site. There is a charge for this (£6 per bag). This service is not suitable for delicate or expensive clothes, which should be washed by hand or not brought at all. All clothing will go through a washing machine AND tumble dryer. We advise all children to bring a net laundry bag! Clothes that are not clearly labelled with your child’s name will be at risk of being lost if they are washed. This is your and your child’s responsibility. Please clearly label everything. We have the right to label with marker pens to help minimise lost property.

Pocket Money

We advise approximately £35 - £40 per week, which should be sufficient. Pocket money can be spent on camp to buy merchandise or to buy snacks & souvenirs on trips.

English Lessons

Assessments to check students standard of English are done online prior to arriving at XUK. We will assign them a group accordingly. On five mornings every week children will have English lessons. Other times will be taken up by activities, meals, trips and free time. Please ensure your child is ready to learn English and that they understand what they are coming to us for.

They should come with a dictionary, notebook, pen, pencil, rubber and ruler

It is also a good idea for you and your child to decide in advance if there is anything particular they wish to work on.


16 and 17 Year Olds

For our Whole Camp trip and Theme park optional extra we give parents of 16 and 17 year olds the option to let them go around town/theme park in small groups without being accompanied by our staff. In order to opt in to this, parents must complete the electronic permission letter which you will be able find on your Ultracamp account.

Please do not hesitate in getting in touch if you have any questions prior to camp beginning and have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.